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G Suite vs. Office 365: Choose the Best Solution for Your Business

For a long time, Microsoft Office was the gold standard for productivity tools and still maintains a healthy lead in the on-premise software segment. If you have a word processor or spreadsheet software “installed” on your system, there is a good chance that it is Microsoft office. Yet, as cloud solutions become ubiquitous, the workplace […]

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How to Measure the ROI of Cloud Migration

Cloud migration, be it on a smaller scale like migrating workflow to G Suite or completely moving the IT infrastructure to cloud like AWS, is now recognized by many enterprises as a key ingredient to improving efficiency and ROI. While almost every business has either fully or partly moved to the cloud, there is persistent […]

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Why Are Companies Ditching Dropbox for Google Drive?

Cloud storage has revolutionized the way business is done, letting teams store sensitive documents without worrying about security breaches, allowing employees to easily share workplace files instantly, and work together collaboratively within documents. Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive are some of the most popular cloud storage providers available to businesses, each with their own set […]

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Cyber Security: 5 Tips for your Business

Cyber security should be an important component of your business strategy. To avoid the serious consequences of a data breach, you should act proactively in order to secure your data and protect your company’s future. Waiting isn’t an option. With businesses more reliant on cloud storage, digital solutions, and mobile platforms than ever before, cyber […]

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10 Useful Add-Ons for Google Docs Business Users

Google Docs is one of the most powerful cloud-based tools on the market, with features that include real-time collaboration, version history, secure sharing, document outlines, and more. What few realize is that Docs can be made even more powerful for business users, increasing its versatility, saving time, and improving further on its already impressive arsenal […]

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5 Ways Cloud Migration can Transform Healthcare Services

Personal and behavioral data is at a premium in the healthcare industry. Healthcare possesses one of the largest and most critical datasets, accounting for billions of people globally. Yet it is one of the select few industries that continues to run largely on legacy systems and rely heavily on paperwork.  Think about it: the first […]

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Millennials are Changing the Workplace and You Must change Too

Millennials have built quite a reputation for their work ethics over the years. They are also perceived to carry a certain sense of entitlement and are generally tough to control. For instance, they are known to demand higher salaries than they deserve and want quicker promotions. But as disruptive as they are for the established […]

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