Planet, people and profitability. These are the three pillars of digital sustainability, according to Google which is focused on developing cloud-based solutions that meet the needs of all three. 

To this end, Google tools don’t just streamline business processes. They can also help reduce an organization’s environmental footprint, support employee wellbeing, and maximize a company’s digital resources - ultimately giving them an edge over their less innovative competitors. 

How Google can help your organization meet its ESG targets

Environmental, Social, and Governance goals (ESG) are being increasingly used to shape corporate policies and investment, prompting businesses to rethink their responsibilities to their shareholders, clients, and communities.

Google Workspace contains many applications and features that can help in these efforts, giving companies access to a highly efficient tech stack that aligns with their ESG strategy and commitments.

Environmental sustainability

Following the recent shift towards remote and hybrid working environments, most companies are already doing business in the cloud. And that’s a critical first step in environmental sustainability. According to Google, migrating to the cloud can cut a company’s carbon emissions by as much as 84%. 

Google also helps companies reduce their e-waste by offering Chromebooks that use 46% less energy than comparable devices and providing a tool that installs the most up-to-date ChromeOS on legacy PCs or macs to extend their lifespan. 

Social responsibility

It’s hard to define employee wellbeing, but studies show that workers who collaborate, communicate, and get what they need to achieve their tasks report greater job satisfaction and engagement. Google supports employee wellbeing by making creating these inclusive and collaborative working environments easier. 

Google Workspace powers collaboration by making it easy to share files, collaboratively edit documents, host meetings, screen presentations, and share calendars. It’s also a leader in inclusivity with dozens of accessibility features designed to assist visually-impaired and hearing-impaired users.


Good governance is closely linked to fiscal responsibility. Cloud-based solutions help keep costs down by streamlining core processes and helping companies do more with less. 

By migrating to the cloud, businesses can spend less on their IT infrastructure and free up IT staff to use their time and skills more productively. Google estimates that by using ChromeOS devices, companies could save $3,901 per device over the first three years of ownership.

Another key component of governance is security. Businesses need to ensure they are as protected as possible against cybersecurity threats such as phishing, ransomware attacks, and other data breaches. 

Security is a high priority for Google, which uses tools such as end-to-end encryption to keep data secure as it is shared and stored. Both Chrome browser and ChromeOS carry in-built defenses regularly updated to tackle emerging threats. To date, there have been no reported ransomware attacks on Chrome devices.

Become a sustainability leader

The past few years have seen unprecedented shifts in how we work, do business, communicate, and collaborate. Google is focused on helping companies navigate these changes with an ecosystem of tools that maximize value, reduce risk, and improve productivity - all while providing a blueprint for digital sustainability.

Whether you’re new to the Google Cloud Platform or upgrading your Google suite, UpCurve Cloud can help. Our team of Google-certified consultants, technicians and engineers have helped hundreds of organizations, from a variety of industries, implement the applications and features that best suit their needs. We offer training, integration and post-integration support services so you’re guided by experts at every stage. Contact us today to get started!

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